December 04, 2009

UCC Week of December 6th: Study Study Study...

This week at Western FilmThe Cove , which appears to be a pretty intriguing documentary about dolphins, aaannnnndddd Paranormal Activity , which looks terrifying. Maybe if you go see it on Tuesday (for THREE DOLLARS), it will scare you out of stressing about the exam you should be studying for…? It’s worth a try…

Elsewere and Elsewhen…THERE ARE AMAZING FUN GAMES!! Check It.

Also, on Monday December 7th the Western New Democrats will be supporting a Women’s Rights Art Show in the UCC. Contact them through their Facebook group for more details.

As of Wednesday December 9th (the last day of class), the UCC, like you, goes into study mode! Tables, tables and more tables will help accommodate the bigger demand on campus study spaces—so keep that in mind if your lucky table at Club Weldon is filled when you get there. Luckily, Exam Buses will start running on the 10th, so that will make things even easier!