October 22, 2009

October 27 - 31: Midight Massacre -- USC Haunted House

Will you escape ALIVE..?

It’s that time again! The USC’s Haunted House, Midnight Massacre, is around the corner!

Student Life and the USC Charity Committee’s are proud to present our annual fear-fest fundraiser in support of United Way and UNICEF! This year the Haunted House will be taking place from Oct 27-31 in the UCC Gym.

Want a sneak peak? Check out their video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzlQ2dliWDU

and join the Facebook event at: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=312489365003&ref=ts

Entry is only $2 or a non-perishable food item! Come support a great cause… but beware – you’re gonna get SCARED!

October 17, 2009

October 22nd: UWO Pumpkin Drop '09!

From their FACEBOOK Event:


The competitive giant pumpkin growing season has come to a close, and what better way to end it than smashing TWO 700LB pumpkins from 200 FEET IN THE AIR to raise money for international development?? Come out to this incredible annual event, and bring everyone you know!

At 2:30pm this Thursday we'll be lifting the two hugest pumpkins we could get our hands on 200 feet in the air and dropping them on UC Hill.

We run Pumpkin Drop as a fundraiser for Engineers Without Borders (EWB), a national charity promoting international development in Africa and global citizenship within Canada. The money we raise prior to and during the event will go directly to sending UWO volunteers overseas for four months this summer, and sending members of our executive to an annual conference on international development in Newfoundland.

EWB members are collecting pledges this week and next week, and if we get enough we may be able to get as many as two more pumpkins!

Don't miss out, this is way better than Christmas!!

October 14, 2009

wweb D.Y.K. tip: FREE Shuttle Buses!!

Beat the LTC Strike! Whether you currently experience long waits... no seats left... too many bumpy stops.... or you fear the prospect of walking to school in less than a week, have no fear (or at least less fear)! Because Shuttle Buses are here (and they always have been)!

The many FREE (or cheap) shuttle routes around London are a bit of an urban 'myth'. Maybe you've heard a rumour about one from a friend-of-a-friend, or saw a fully-painted billboard-on-wheels cruise by brimming with happy shoppers and wondered "Huh." Well, you didn't just dream that drive-by -- They're real.

Most (if not all) of the shuttles don't even show up on Google (which, let's face it, is extremely dubious)... but here, for the first time ever, you can plan to explore the wild, exotic extremes of London, Ontario by Shuttle! I recommend calling the number beforehand if you plan on taking them... just to be sure (they are mysterious, after all)!

Shuttle #1: GroceryBus - FREE - (519)674-6111
This one was advertised in the Student Guide this year, but it's still faaairly elusive... and it could save you lugging your milk and veggies on the 13A! If you have your Guide, details are on Page 4, if you lost your Guide, here's the DL:
- It picks up from Alumni House, Elgin Hall, Essex Hall, London Hall, or Bayfield Hall on Saturdays at 1-ish & 2-ish, then it drops you off at the Fanshawe Market Loblaws up by Masonville Mall. Direct Route!
- They leave from Loblaws on the half hour at 1:30 or 2:30 and bring you right home!

Shuttle #2: ShoppingBus - FREE - Online Schedule
This was also in the Guide, but no details! Don't worry, the online schedule is pretty legit (see above). This works like so:
- It picks up at London Hall, Deliware, Elgin or Saugeen from 12 - 4 on Saturdays and drives right to White Oaks! You never have to drive through the sketchy neighbourhoods on the 13A again!
- It leaves White Oaks at 1, 3, and 5 PM and drives right back to campus -- no stops!

Shuttle #3: ClassBus - FREE - Online Schedule
You've probably seen the big blue buses on your way to class, and guess what? They're not mysterious at all -- they're free! You can get on them, you just need to get them to stop... These buses shuttle students between the affiliate colleges (King's/Brescia) and main campus, they're a great short-cut to class...
- They pick up at designated "AboutTown" bus stops around the campuses, NOT at the regular LTC ones (don't be fooled!). You can find a map of the stops HERE. From there, they run much like the regular buses, but on tiny, campus-confined routes.

Shuttle #4: BeachBus - $10 (I think...) - (519)455-7711 or (519)663-2091
This bus does cost a little money, but it's totally worth it -- it drives all the way to Grand Bend! If you don't know where that is, it's a beautiful beach with tons of fun other stuff going on in town, read up HERE. Anyway, I think this bus only runs in the summer, but if you're on a student budget and don't have a car... it's the best weekend summer trip to do in London. Give them a call if you're interested in a little winter beach action, but otherwise, tuck this tip away for the warmer seasons...
- It picks up at Norma Jean's (1332 Huron Street) and at Jack Astor's (Masonville) at 10 AM on Saturdays (again, possibly only in the summer). Give them a call to confirm though before you head out...
- It drops off at the Grand Bend Motorplex (about 40 minutes away), and for $3 extra you can get another shuttle that drops you off right on the beach!

STOP!!!! Okay, that's it for the shuttles, if you know of any other mysterious bus routes, let us all know in the comments, please! Or if you want to share your Norma Jeans Big Green Beach Bus horror stories, that's cool too.

And, until the LTC strike actually happens (November 16th), you can watch the cute little buses making their way to your stop in Real Time, by visiting THIS LINK, and choosing a route. and I have so much time, I sit at my computer refreshing to watch it move along the route... Cool, huh?

Check back for the next wweb Did You Know (DYK) Tip in the next issue of The Western Web!

October 23rd: "STEP" right up...

"We believe that UWO students will be the future leaders of Canada as a result of being educated at one of Canada's most academically-acclaimed universities."

That's the inspiration behind what looks like this fantastic seminar series. This is the first year of "STEP: Student Transitional Executive Program", and the program will aim, over the course of the 2009-2010 school year, to teach students about societal issues through a series of lectures and presentations. It sounds pretty great, actually, the roster of guest speakers (and topics) is pretty impressive. Some highlights:
  • October 28th: Waging Peace: Canada in Afghanistan -- film screening and Q & A with director
  • November 11th: Sex Trade Workers -- Ian Peer (Deputy Chief of London Police)
  • January 6th: The Ethics of Health Care -- Dr. Jeff Nisker (Ethics Coordinator at Schulich School of M&D)
  • February 24th: Homelessness in London -- Carlene Lazenby and Matti Paquiz (Unity Project & Hostels to Homes)
All of the presentations involve an interactive question and answer period and a small SFX display that includes Lasers and Fog Machines (kidding!), but it promises to be very interesting. The deal is, though, that you MUST REGISTER to be able to attend even ONE of the seminars. At the end of it, you also get a "co-curricular transcript" that you can show employers and put on your resume -- how official! Best of all though, it's FREE... so why not?

Oh, the Registration Deadline is October 23rd at 4:30 PM!! FOUR THIRTY! REMEMBER!

October 26: Deadline for Alternative Spring Break Applications

You may be wondering... What is Alternative Spring Break?

Well, according to their Website:

ASB is an exciting opportunity for you to participate in a week-long, hands-on, service-learning experience! You might choose to join a team that is teaching English at the Hope of a Child Orphanage in the Dominican Republic, providing medical clinics to under-serviced communities in Costa Rica, or helping to support programs for at-risk populations in our own community of London, Ontario... it's completely up to you!

The Alternative Spring Break (ASB) program is designed to allow you and your peers the chance to do something different during Western's Reading Week in February. We have partnered with a variety of community organizations, both locally and across the globe, who are anxious to benefit from the knowledge, passion, and hard work of students just like you.

ASB can lead you to an increased awareness of social issues, a better understanding of other cultures, and a sense of civic engagement. Help others! instead of spending this February's Reading Week sitting on your family couch watching daytime soaps... okay?

The last day to apply is Monday October 26th, so visit the Website for details.


October 14 - 15: USC Bi-Elections

Vote! Vote! Vote! You have about 44 hours to do it over the course of October 14th - 15th using the Online Voting Tool.

There are actually only THREE positions up for grabs:
  • Health Sciences Students' Council President
  • Health Studies Councillor
  • Arts & Humanities Councillor
Check out the candidates HERE. There's a bunch of dedicated individuals running, so show your support and visit the elections website!

October 24: Mustangs VS Toronto - FREE HOME GAME

Come out and watch the Mustangs take on the University of Toronto!! Will TD Waterhouse Stadium see a recovery from the Mustangs' tragic loss to McMaster last Homecoming weekend??? We hope so! The team is one of the best in Ontario and they deserve your support at 1 PM on Saturday October 24th. This year, ENTRANCE IS FREE with your student card!!

For more info and to get up-to-date on what's happening with the Mustangs this season, check out the Mustangs Football Website.

UCC Week of October 18th: I’m on campus – why not?

This week in the UCC, look forward to GREEN stuff everywhere. The annual Enviroweek festivities are afoot!!

This year they’re doing some pretty cool stuff. There’s actually a Farmer’s Market on Concrete Beach planned for Tuesday October 20th where you can get some locally grown London fruits (maybe not at this time of year…) and veggies. (But if you miss that, you can always check out the incredible, under-appreciated Covent Garden Market on Thursdays and Sundays till 1 pm on Talbot Street)

AND there’s rumour (okay, not a rumour, it’s posted online on their SCHEDULE) that there’ll be FREE COFFEE and other hot beverage “vouchers” available in the UCC and Spoke on Thursday October 22nd if you bring a travel mug! And what to do with all that extra energy from those FREE stimulants? Well, check out some highlights and their other events HERE (BLOG LINK).

Western Film? That’s right, there’s a movie theatre in the UCC.

October 16th – 22nd you’ve got (500) Days of Summer at SEVEN, and then Moon at NINE. Moon? I haven’t heard much about it, but it's starring Sam Rockwell and Kevin Spacey, so it has to be at least worth $4.20. BUT, don’t forget, it’s THREE bucks on Tuesdays.

October 19th - 23rd: Soooo many coffee cups!

How may coffee cups are used and thrown away each day on Western campus? You’d be surprised. The annual mountain-o-timmies is sure to make its appearance at this year’s EnviroWeek October 19th – 23rd.

In response to an overall grade of "C" on the 2010 College Sustainability Report Card, let’s show the Sustainable Endowments Institute what grade Western students deserve in "student involvement in sustainability" by getting together for some fun Captain Planet-worthy events!

On top of the guilt-inducing pile of cups you’ll pass on Concrete Beach on your way to the UCC each day of Enviroweek, you can look forward to some of these highlights:

  • Monday at 12 PM (UCC): Drumming circle – Bangbangbang out that tree-hugging love in the UCC

  • Tuesday All Day (Concrete Beach): Farmer’s Market – Support local growers and buy some yummy fresh snacks for lunch

  • Wednesday at 5 PM (Concrete Beach): Climate Change Awareness Group Biking Event

  • Thursday All Day (UCC and Spoke): FREE COFFEE!!! (if you bring a mug)

  • Friday 2 PM (UCC): Campus-Wide Clean up! – finish off Enviroweek by doing your tiny part to keep our campus Green!

But these are just some of the events to look forward to, check out the EnviroWestern website for the complete schedule.