This week in the UCC, look forward to GREEN stuff everywhere. The annual Enviroweek festivities are afoot!!
This year they’re doing some pretty cool stuff. There’s actually a Farmer’s Market on Concrete Beach planned for Tuesday October 20th where you can get some locally grown London fruits (maybe not at this time of year…) and veggies. (But if you miss that, you can always check out the incredible, under-appreciated Covent Garden Market on Thursdays and Sundays till 1 pm on Talbot Street)
AND there’s rumour (okay, not a rumour, it’s posted online on their SCHEDULE) that there’ll be FREE COFFEE and other hot beverage “vouchers” available in the UCC and Spoke on Thursday October 22nd if you bring a travel mug! And what to do with all that extra energy from those FREE stimulants? Well, check out some highlights and their other events HERE (BLOG LINK).
Western Film? That’s right, there’s a movie theatre in the UCC.
October 16th – 22nd you’ve got (500) Days of Summer at SEVEN, and then Moon at NINE. Moon? I haven’t heard much about it, but it's starring Sam Rockwell and Kevin Spacey, so it has to be at least worth $4.20. BUT, don’t forget, it’s THREE bucks on Tuesdays.