October 14, 2009

wweb D.Y.K. tip: FREE Shuttle Buses!!

Beat the LTC Strike! Whether you currently experience long waits... no seats left... too many bumpy stops.... or you fear the prospect of walking to school in less than a week, have no fear (or at least less fear)! Because Shuttle Buses are here (and they always have been)!

The many FREE (or cheap) shuttle routes around London are a bit of an urban 'myth'. Maybe you've heard a rumour about one from a friend-of-a-friend, or saw a fully-painted billboard-on-wheels cruise by brimming with happy shoppers and wondered "Huh." Well, you didn't just dream that drive-by -- They're real.

Most (if not all) of the shuttles don't even show up on Google (which, let's face it, is extremely dubious)... but here, for the first time ever, you can plan to explore the wild, exotic extremes of London, Ontario by Shuttle! I recommend calling the number beforehand if you plan on taking them... just to be sure (they are mysterious, after all)!

Shuttle #1: GroceryBus - FREE - (519)674-6111
This one was advertised in the Student Guide this year, but it's still faaairly elusive... and it could save you lugging your milk and veggies on the 13A! If you have your Guide, details are on Page 4, if you lost your Guide, here's the DL:
- It picks up from Alumni House, Elgin Hall, Essex Hall, London Hall, or Bayfield Hall on Saturdays at 1-ish & 2-ish, then it drops you off at the Fanshawe Market Loblaws up by Masonville Mall. Direct Route!
- They leave from Loblaws on the half hour at 1:30 or 2:30 and bring you right home!

Shuttle #2: ShoppingBus - FREE - Online Schedule
This was also in the Guide, but no details! Don't worry, the online schedule is pretty legit (see above). This works like so:
- It picks up at London Hall, Deliware, Elgin or Saugeen from 12 - 4 on Saturdays and drives right to White Oaks! You never have to drive through the sketchy neighbourhoods on the 13A again!
- It leaves White Oaks at 1, 3, and 5 PM and drives right back to campus -- no stops!

Shuttle #3: ClassBus - FREE - Online Schedule
You've probably seen the big blue buses on your way to class, and guess what? They're not mysterious at all -- they're free! You can get on them, you just need to get them to stop... These buses shuttle students between the affiliate colleges (King's/Brescia) and main campus, they're a great short-cut to class...
- They pick up at designated "AboutTown" bus stops around the campuses, NOT at the regular LTC ones (don't be fooled!). You can find a map of the stops HERE. From there, they run much like the regular buses, but on tiny, campus-confined routes.

Shuttle #4: BeachBus - $10 (I think...) - (519)455-7711 or (519)663-2091
This bus does cost a little money, but it's totally worth it -- it drives all the way to Grand Bend! If you don't know where that is, it's a beautiful beach with tons of fun other stuff going on in town, read up HERE. Anyway, I think this bus only runs in the summer, but if you're on a student budget and don't have a car... it's the best weekend summer trip to do in London. Give them a call if you're interested in a little winter beach action, but otherwise, tuck this tip away for the warmer seasons...
- It picks up at Norma Jean's (1332 Huron Street) and at Jack Astor's (Masonville) at 10 AM on Saturdays (again, possibly only in the summer). Give them a call to confirm though before you head out...
- It drops off at the Grand Bend Motorplex (about 40 minutes away), and for $3 extra you can get another shuttle that drops you off right on the beach!

STOP!!!! Okay, that's it for the shuttles, if you know of any other mysterious bus routes, let us all know in the comments, please! Or if you want to share your Norma Jeans Big Green Beach Bus horror stories, that's cool too.

And, until the LTC strike actually happens (November 16th), you can watch the cute little buses making their way to your stop in Real Time, by visiting THIS LINK, and choosing a route. and I have so much time, I sit at my computer refreshing to watch it move along the route... Cool, huh?

Check back for the next wweb Did You Know (DYK) Tip in the next issue of The Western Web!