You may be wondering... What is Alternative Spring Break?
Well, according to their Website:
ASB is an exciting opportunity for you to participate in a week-long, hands-on, service-learning experience! You might choose to join a team that is teaching English at the Hope of a Child Orphanage in the Dominican Republic, providing medical clinics to under-serviced communities in Costa Rica, or helping to support programs for at-risk populations in our own community of London, Ontario... it's completely up to you!
The Alternative Spring Break (ASB) program is designed to allow you and your peers the chance to do something different during Western's Reading Week in February. We have partnered with a variety of community organizations, both locally and across the globe, who are anxious to benefit from the knowledge, passion, and hard work of students just like you.
ASB can lead you to an increased awareness of social issues, a better understanding of other cultures, and a sense of civic engagement. Help others! instead of spending this February's Reading Week sitting on your family couch watching daytime soaps... okay?
The last day to apply is Monday October 26th, so visit the Website for details.