March 07, 2010

Mar 18th: MIT Formal!

The ONLY event this season where you can re-live the high of attending high school prom while still being considered a hipster ... the MIT formal!

WHere? The Delta Armouries (still not really sure where that is....)
When? March 18th, 9PM
HOW? Tickets $15 at Infosource

Not really sure why the creator decided on a picture of a ramshackle orange tent on UC hill for the Facebook Event page... then again, no one's really sure what they actually learn in MIT anyway, so it probably makes sense to them somehow??

Anyway, if you happened to go to the MIT Inappropriate Office party, you'll know how bitchin' this faculty's events can be, and if not? Well, now's your chance.

Somehow they've managed to swing this as an ALL-AGES event (yay!), so everyone's welcome!

Check out the Facebook event for more details:!/event.php?eid=386225909528

Or, go to Infosource for tickets starting tomorrow!!