A night of Rick McGhie's at The Spoke to raise money for Chilean Students affected by the recent earthquake. Entrance is free, donation of any amount is appreciated.
Today, I went to class, I went to the library to study and then I came home to eat dinner. Routine sound familiar? As students, whether we like or not, we know the importance of school and the role education plays in providing us with opportunities for the future and preparing us for whatever the road ahead holds.
Some of you may know that I spent three months as a UN volunteer teaching English in a small Chilean town called Yumbel. Located less than 150 km from the epicentre of the recent Chilean earthquake, the high school where I volunteered has suffered extensive damage and my students are unable to return to their school.
Come out, enjoy the music of Rick McGhie, and help raise some money to rebuild this high school so that these students can return to school and have all of the opportunities in life they deserve.
It's one night of your life to make a lifetime of difference for them.
Thank-you for your support!
"Juntos somos más fuertes que un terremoto de 8.8"
"Together we are stronger than an earthquake of 8.8"
Note: All funds raised will go directly to the Chilean high school in their efforts to make the necessary repairs so that the high school can reopen as soon as possible!
Check out more details on their Facebook Group HERE: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=102817376423099